The festival is almost here!

The Festival is here!

Photo by: Alliston Herald 

The Alliston Potato Festival is a weekend packed with fun for the whole family!

For downtown events, please visit the Alliston BIA website.

Keep checking back here as our schedule will be updated
as we add new events to the weekend!

Schedule of EventsFriday August 8Location
6:00pm Domino’s Texas Hold’em Poker RegistrationAlliston Curling Rink
7:00pm Domino’s Texas Hold’em Poker TournamentAlliston Curling Rink
5:00pm Midway OpensFairgrounds
5:00pm Fairgrounds OPENFairgrounds
6:00pm Marketplace OpensFairgrounds
7pm to 10pmEnd of Summer Party
Virtual Reality Competition
6:00pmBeer Gardens Opens (Cash Only)TD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
6:30pmSean BourkeTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
8:30pmShooterTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
10:30pmBootleggedTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
7:00pmAlliston Rotary Potato Festival ParadeVictoria Street
Schedule of EventsSaturday, August 9Location
7:30am to 11:00amPotato PancakesVictoria Street
9am to 3pmRecycle Teenagers Classic Car Show
This year's event features 12 car classes and 1 truck class,
including Classic European Imports and Family Size Classics
(4 doors and station wagons).
Victoria Street
10am to 4pmAlliston Street FestivalVictoria Street
9:30amFairgrounds and Marketplace OpenFairgrounds
9:30am to 4:00pm MASONICh.I.P. Program sponsored by 7 Star 285 Masonic Lodge
What is MASONICh.I.P.?
MASONICh.I.P. ONTARIO uses modern, police-approved techniques to create a child identification kit for the ones you love.
11:00amMidway OpensFairgrounds
10:45amWarrior Martial Arts Demonstration TeamTiger Zone
12:30pmWarrior Martial Arts Demonstration TeamTiger Zone
2:45pmWarrior Martial Arts Demonstration TeamTiger Zone
10:00am to 1:00pmFree Pony RidesPizzaiolo's Entertainment Centre
11:30amTeam K-9 Agility Dog ShowPizzaiolo's Entertainment Centre
1:30pmTeam K-9 Agility Dog ShowPizzaiolo's Entertainment Centre
2:00pm to 4:00pmFree Pony RidesPizzaiolo's Entertainment Centre
3:30pmTeam K-9 Agility Dog ShowPizzaiolo's Entertainment Centre
9:00amRegistration Strutt Your Mutt Talent Show
Register Here
Ken Pratt C-21 Stage
9:00am to 11:30amStrutt Your Mutt Talent ShowKen Pratt C-21 Stage
11:45 to 12:30pm Nataraja School of Dance - Bollywood Dance ClassKen Pratt C-21 Stage
1:00pm to 2:00pmThe Main Street BandKen Pratt C-21 Stage
2:15pm to 2:45pmMaya BaquialKen Pratt C-21 Stage
3:00pm to 4:00pmCrush the VelvetKen Pratt C-21 Stage
4:00pm to 6:00pmKaraoke and Open Mic -Mobile Vibe ProductionsKen Pratt C-21 Stage
10am to 4pm"Tiger KidZone
Bring your stuffie, or portable friend for a check up
Practise your Soccer skills, Paint a bus and be ready to have fun"
Tiger KidZone
10:00am to 11:00amCome Meet Pup Patrol Chaze & SkyTiger KidZone
1:00pm to 4:00pmFACE PAINTING by jadyballoontwister.comTiger KidZone
12:30 pm to 1:00 pmCome Meet Pikachu and SonicTiger KidZone
1:00pm to 4:00pmBubba the ClownTiger KidZone
2:00pm to 4:00pmFACE PAINTING by jadyballoontwister.comTiger KidZone
NoonBINGONickpor Pavilion
10:00am to 4:00 pmDavid Sgro Team's Photo Booth -
Smile for the Camera Free keepsake photo’s
Nickpor Pavilion
11:00am to 12:30pmJust Sing Competition's FinaleTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
NoonBeer Tent Opens (Cash Only)TD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
1:00pmBrave StrangersTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
3:00pmThe Hit DisturbersTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
5:00pmBeer Tent ClosesTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
6:00pmCara Lea BandTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
8:00pmTim RonanTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
10:30pmYour New NeighboursTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
Schedule of EventsSunday, August 10Location
10:00am to 4:00pmPetting Zoo -
Come meet some farm animals up close goats, sheep,
Tiger Zone
10:30amWarrior Martial Arts Demonstration TeamTiger Zone
12:00pmMidway OpensFairgrounds
NoonWarrior Martial Arts Demonstration TeamFairgrounds
2:30pmWarrior Martial Arts Demonstration TeamFairgrounds
9:30amAPF Vintage Firetruck Show Registration
(in Partnership with Alliston FireFighter Association)
sponsored by Beattie Distillers
Peterman Diamond
10:00amAPF Vintage Firetruck Show Registration
(in Partnership with Alliston FireFighter Association)
sponsored by Beattie Distillers
Peterman Diamond
10:00am to 11:00amRising Star Music AcademyKen Pratt C-21 Stage
11:00am to 12:00pmDan the Music ManKen Pratt C-21 Stage
12:00pm to 12:45pmBrigitte EveKen Pratt C-21 Stage
1:00pm to 2:00pmDan the Music ManKen Pratt C-21 Stage
2:00pm to 3:00pmDance the LineKen Pratt C-21 Stage
3:00pm to 3:30pmMacMurchy Highland School of DanceKen Pratt C-21 Stage
9:30amBaby Show Check InNickpor Pavilion
10:30amBaby ShowNickpor Pavilion
11:30 amCome Meet Friends of Tater Tim Bingo and BluieNickpor Pavilion
11:30 am to 3:30pm The APF Jurassic Park Experience!
Encounter a baby T-Rex, Spinosaurus, Triceratops,
and other prehistoric creatures.
Plus, explore the Fossil Dig.
Nickpor Pavilion
12:30 to 2pmFacepaintingNickpor Pavilion
2:00pmCome meet Friends of TaterTim, Woody and Buzz LightyearNickpor Pavilion
11:30am to 1:30pmElvis TD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
9:30am to 10:00amPancake BreakfastTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
10:00am to 11:00amInterdenominational Church Morning CelebrationTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
2:00pm to 5:00pmCatfish GumboTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
NoonBeer Gardens OPEN (Cash Only)TD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
Schedule of EventsFriday August 8Location
6:00pm Domino’s Texas Hold’em Poker RegistrationAlliston Curling Rink
7:00pm Domino’s Texas Hold’em Poker TournamentAlliston Curling Rink
5:00pm Midway OpensFairgrounds
5:00pm Fairgrounds OPENFairgrounds
6:00pm Marketplace OpensFairgrounds
9pm to 11pmEnd of Summer Party
13 to 17 years, Dj, Light show, Photobooth,
Pizza Chance to win PS5 Console
Pizzaiola's Entertainment Area
6:00pmBeer Gardens Opens (Cash Only)TD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
6:30pmBrian and Susie GoodTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
8:30pmNicole RayyTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
10:30pmJason MaxwellTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
11:00pmJonny LeeTD Stage (by Beer Gardens)
7:00pmAlliston Rotary Potato Festival ParadeVictoria Street