Get ready for an adrenaline-packed experience: goosebumps, racing heartbeats, and those eerie moments when the hairs stand up on the back of your neck! Brace yourself, because the New Tecumseth Ghost Walks are making their spine-tingling debut at the Alliston Potato Festival 2024! These bone-chilling tales, steeped in history and authenticity, will lead you through the haunted buildings and paranormal hotspots of Alliston, plunging you into the heart of darkness.
Your guide through this macabre journey is none other than Cael, a masterful storyteller who will lead you on a creepy and spine-chilling exploration of Alliston’s ghostly past. The adventure kicks off at 7 pm and 9:30 pm sharp at the steps of the Gibson Centre (63 Tupper St West), with multiple stops planned throughout the downtown core of Alliston. The chilling expedition concludes at the Museum on the Boyne, leaving you with lasting memories of the eerie encounters.
This haunting excursion spans approximately 80 minutes and, best of all, it’s absolutely FREE! No need for advance registration; simply show up and prepare yourself for a night of spooky thrills and unforgettable fun.